Simon Mumford
27 March 2020, 10:31 PM
This afternoon at 3pm, the Lismore App team along with 61 other teams making up 478 participants would have begun our eighteen hour walk for Lismore & Villages Relay For Life to raise money and support the Cancer Council.
This event will take place later in the year due to the coronavirus but there will be an event that I hope all team members will participate in tonight. It is called 'Hope At Home'.
During the week, teams would have received a Hope At Home kit which contained a bag and candle. We are encouraged to light this candle tonight and place it on our balconies in honour of cancer patients and Lismore and Village Relay.
Caitlyn Feldmann, Community Lead - Northern Communities has asked us to "Please write a message on the bag, place the bag on your front veranda, or in a window, and turn the candle on.
Please take a photo of your Hope bag and upload it to the Lismore and Villages Relay for Life Facebook page with the hashtag #Hopeathome".
So, if you see lights on balconies, verandahs or in windows tonight in your neighbourhood, you know this is in support of Relay For Life.