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Local sport left in limbo: MP Saffin backs return to play

The Lismore App

29 May 2020, 12:48 AM

 Local sport left in limbo: MP Saffin backs return to play

State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin has called on the NSW Government to release their ‘return to play’ plan for community sport and recreation facilities to give local organisations some certainty for the months ahead.


Ms Saffin accused New South Wales of dragging the chain, allowing confusion to reign when Queensland, Victoria and South Australia had presented clear and manageable guidelines for the restart of sport and recreation.


“Where is the game plan for safely returning to sport and recreation in a staged manner in New South Wales?” Ms Saffin asked.


“The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) this month released its Framework for Rebooting Sport In A COVID-19 Environment and I encourage people to read it at”


Ms Saffin joined NSW Shadow Minister for Sport Lynda Voltz in condemning Acting Minister for Sport Geoff Lee and the Office of Sport for their lack of leadership on the issue.


“It simply is poor form to leave our state, regional and local sporting organisations in limbo,” Ms Saffin said.


Ms Voltz said: “Where is the plan for football or gymnastics to return? Where is the plan for gyms to re-open?


Ms Saffin said local sporting organisations needed clear guidelines for a return to training and competition as COVID-19 restrictions were gradually eased.


“Sport and recreation organisations are at the very heart of our local communities,” Ms Saffin said.


“It’s time this Government presented a clear plan for community sport and recreation to return.


“The thousands of participants in the Lismore Electorate deserve to know when they can safely return to the field, court or gym.”


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