10 December 2019, 8:11 PM
Local Land Services is calling on the community to step forward and help make a difference by applying to the local North Coast Board.
Positions on local boards will become available across all 11 regions when the terms of 29 current board members and chairs end in March and April next year.
Chair of the North Coast Local Land Services Board, Bob Smith, said that the organisation needs to be able to draw on the experience and expertise of qualified people who understand the local community and industry.
“We are experiencing challenge and hardship across the state and now, more than ever, we need our board members to work closely with landholders to identify and deliver services relevant to local needs,” Mr Smith said.
“Within North Coast Local Land Services we are recruiting for the chair and one board member.
“The successful candidates will help build resilience within our region’s communities and make a real contribution to land management in NSW.”
Mr Smith said North Coat Local Land Services hopes to attract candidates with a commitment to high ethical standards and teamwork and who bring unique experiences and knowledge to the local boards.
There is also a focus on increasing the number of women on local Boards, along with Aboriginal people and younger people.
“We recognise the potential for genuine collaboration with Aboriginal people to share culture, heritage and traditional land management in a modern context. Our local boards should truly reflect the demographic of the communities that they serve.
“Having a mix of people on our boards introduces new experiences and skill sets and new voices. These are the people who can provide strategic direction, improve service delivery and work closely with our regional communities,” Mr Smith said.
Candidates will need to demonstrate a strong understanding of corporate governance, a commitment to high ethical standards and teamwork, and well-developed communication, negotiation, advocacy and influencing skills.
Local Land Services is interested in people who have expertise, knowledge and skills in one or more of the following areas:
• Leadership, strategic planning and management
• Community participation
• Regional service delivery
• Working with industry, government and other partners
• Audit, financial control, reporting and risk management
• Primary industries or providing services to support this sector
• Contemporary biosecurity programs in animal and plant health, pest and weed management
• Emergency management especially biosecurity and natural disaster emergencies
• Natural resource management and biodiversity conservation
• Working with Aboriginal groups and communities and/or local government.
Local Land Services is on the ground, delivering agricultural production advice, biosecurity, natural resource management, emergency management, sustainable land management and soil conservation services.
The Board Recruitment Package is available on Local Land Services website. For a hardcopy of the Package or for more information, visit https://www.lls.nsw.gov.au/ or phone 02 6623 3900.
Applications close 5pm, Friday 13 December 2019.