09 December 2019, 1:33 AM
Lismore Tennis Club has a new lease on life now that upgrades to the courts and fencing are complete.
Club members met at the courts on Ballina Road today to celebrate the opening of the centre’s upgrade, along with Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan.
Lismore Tennis Club Publicity Officer Bianca Nugent said the courts used to be “in very poor condition”.
“When I first heard the centre would get Federal Government funding to do the upgrade, I just couldn’t speak,” Bianca said.
“It was marvellous.”
Mr Hogan said the club has been in its current location for the last 50 years and these upgrades will set the club up for the next 50.
“The upgrade is great news, the tennis club is home to hundreds of players every week - and is now at a standard to host state-wide tournaments,” Mr Hogan said.
“The club needed a little TLC and the Federal Government has provided a $200,000 grant as part of the Community Sport Infrastructure program. “
The court upgrades included fence repairs and resurfacing of the courts as well as carrying out electrical works.
“The Government are supporting local grassroots sports because we recognise the wider health, social and community benefits that come from participating in sport,” Mr Hogan said.
“We want to get a lot more people to play tennis, and we think the upgrades will help us achieve that,” Mrs Nugent said.