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Lismore MP heading to Timor Leste for celebrations

The Lismore App

26 August 2019, 12:39 AM

Lismore MP heading to Timor Leste for celebrationsLismore State MP Janelle Saffin wearing her Order of Timor Leste medal, awarded in 2015.

Lismore State MP Janelle Saffin is visiting Timor Leste this week to attend celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the East Timorese vote for independence.

Ms Saffin said she was there in August 1999 as an observer in the United Nations-led mission and will be reunited with colleagues and friends from that time.

She said she was honoured to receive a personal invitation from Timor Leste’s first president, Xanana Gusmao, to attend a celebration ceremony and a program of events in Dili.

Ms Saffin was a senior advisor to Jose Ramos-Horta - Timor-Leste’s former foreign minister, prime minister, defence minister and president, and a Nobel Peace Laureate - and they remain friends.

Mr Ramos-Horta will meet Ms Saffin at the airport today and she will also meet President Francisco Guterres and Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Federal Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese, Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Australia’s ambassador to Timor-Leste, Peter Roberts, will represent Australia at the main celebrations, scheduled for Friday.


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