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Lismore loses Lismore Cup half day holiday

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Liina Flynn

10 December 2019, 11:43 PM

Lismore loses Lismore Cup half day holiday

The annual half day holiday for the Lismore Cup horse racing event is no more.

At last night’s Lismore City Council meeting, councillors voted to reject Lismore Turf Club's half-day public holiday application for the 2020 and 2021 cup days.

The club’s request was for a closure of business from 12pm until 6pm, just like it had been in previous years.

Cr Cook acknowledged the event brought in financial benefit to Lismore, but council needed to acknowledge the changing community attitudes in relation to animal welfare and the horse racing industry and the use of animals for entertainment.

“Our community is turning further away from animal exploitation each year and we’ve received many public submissions from concerned about animal welfare,” she said.

“Ten years ago, people told us they didn’t want to see exotic animals on display in performances and Lismore City Council was one of first in Australia to ban them on council grounds,” she said.

Cr Cook spoke about the public concern for the use of live baiting greyhound industry and how the recent ABC 7.30 Report on horse racing has “thrown a harsh light on the industry”.

“Even winners wind up at the knackers and the racing industry finds inventive ways to get horses to run faster,” she said.

“The rationale that you have to flog a horse to make it run harder and faster is not acceptable.

“The use of whips … and tongue tying to keep a horse’s airway open – there are no regulations and oversight on how to tie a horse’s tongue. 

“Some are left with their tongues tied to the bottom of their jaw for 30 minutes and the circulation is cut off and some lose their tongues.”

Cr Cook suggested a motion that Council write a letter to the Lismore Turf Club and Racing NSW asking them to ban the use of whips and tongue ties.

“We can’t ban the practice, but we can strongly encourage Lismore Turf Club to ban the use at their race meeting or encourage Racing NSW to take a stand on it.

“Hopefully Lismore can lead the way in banning these practices.”

Cr Marks suggested that the Turf Club did not make those rules and would not be able to make the changes - and the motion was defeated.

Cr Lloyd spoke about the disruption to the town that the half day holiday caused, when businesses closed down and lost revenue, but still had to pay staff for the time.

“There’s also disruption to schools and parents have to leave work to pick up kids,” she said.

“No longer can we sit behind a façade of glitzy hats, champagne and dresses that come with race day.”

She also spoke about how the event was “heavily reliant on alcohol and gambling” and too many Australians were adversely affected by gambling and addiction.

Councillor Marks acknowledged there was an effect on business who didn’t want to have the half day holiday, but voted in support of the application.

Cr Marks acknowledged the economic benefit the event brought to the town, bringing many people in the business community to the event, who would spend money. 

Councillors Ekins, Casson, Lloyd, Cook and Guise voted against the half day public holiday.

Lismore Turf Club secretary manager Scott Jones said the council’s decision to vote against application was “surprising”.

“I thought it would get through again,” he said. 

“Our financial analysis shows the cup brings in $3.8 million to the Lismore area.

“I’m still trying to process everything and I’m not sure if anything will change in future yet - so many other people are affected, not just us.

“The people of Lismore have also just lost a half day public holiday.”

Mr Jones also said that if the club had received a letter from council about banning the use of whips and ties, he “would be happy to investigate it”.

“We would have brought it to Racing NSW because they decide the rules - our club becomes a menu for racing NSW when we hold a meet and they need to have a say on how things move forward.”

Read more about what was discussed at the Council meeting: What will Council do about the 'wicked' problem' of homelessness?

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