Simon Mumford
19 March 2020, 10:35 PM
Yesterday we reported that the iconic Lismore Lantern Parade was postponed to November 7 this year. Well, cross that date off your calendar and change it to November 14!
In an email this morning CEO/Creative Director Jyllie Jackson said "It is surely strange times, In our enthusiasm to find a new date for our beloved Lantern Parade we have since found out it clashes with some other local events and the availability of key people for the Lantern Parade, such as the Relay for Life, The Channon Market, Jacaranda Festival. OOOOPPs
All being well this will be a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together after this difficult time.
We apologise for any confusion.
The new date for the Lantern Parade will be 14 November 2020.!!
We will announce detail of an exciting new event in the near future!!
That was an intriguing statement so a phone call ensued where Jyllie added "it will be an event that brightens our lives in lockdown".
No doubt more to come on this in the coming weeks.
Jyllie Jackson, CEO/Creative Director of our beloved Lismore Lantern Parade has released a statement confirming what everyone thought might occur, the postponement of the Lantern Parade until November 7.
The statement reads;
We are living in challenging times, festivals and events are being cancelled across the country and the world. And sadly the iconic Lismore Lantern Parade is not immune from this dreadful virus.
So we are disappointed to announce that the 2020 Lismore Lantern Parade must be postponed.
However, we are a truely positive bunch at LightnUp and we believe we have a role in bringing the whole community together in a special celebration
- we did it in 2017 after Cyclone Debbie and we plan to do it once again after CONVID-19
We have looked at the opportunities 6 months ahead, by then hopefully we will be through this difficult time, and we can celebrate by lighting up the hearts of Lismore and the Northern Rivers.
Everyone will all be in great need to come together and laugh and cry, dance and share our stories, and carry our lanterns high.
In the meantime we have plans to keep our spirits high and we will be telling you about this soon.
The fabulous Lismore Lantern Parade will be shining brighter than ever on the 7 NOVEMBER 2020, fingers crossed!
and remember #Beethechange #beekind #stay safe #washyourhands
So, the bad news in June becomes good news for November. Importantly, the Lismore Lantern Parade is alive in 2020.