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Legalise Cannabis Party calls for candidates to fight war on drugs

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Liina Flynn

25 January 2022, 2:58 AM

Legalise Cannabis Party calls for candidates to fight war on drugs

Nimbin HEMP Embassy president Michael Balderstone is ready to see the fight against the war on drugs amp up another level.

With a Federal and State election coming up, Michael is calling for people to get political – and nominate themselves as candidates in the newly named Legalise Cannabis Party (LCP).

He’s also calling for volunteers for the upcoming 30th anniversary of the Nimbin MardiGrass this May.

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From HEMP to LCP

Formerly known as the HEMP Party, the LCP has been gaining traction over the past couple of years.

Micheal ran as a HEMP Party candidate in the 2020 Monara/Eden by-election in the ACT. 

The good news is that the LCP is now legally registered as a political party in NSW.

“It was a great achievement to get this done – there was so much paperwork to be done,” Michael said.

NSW has become the third state to register a state based Legalise Cannabis Party after Qld and WA. South Australia will be hot on NSW’s heals with their registration pending; and Victorian member numbers are building steadily.

Historic journey 

“Now we are looking for donations as well and candidates and volunteers who want to be part of this historic journey.”

While Michael said he may be part of the candidacy for the LCP in NSW, it would be great if the party could attract the right people who know the system and can bring about cannabis reform.

The issues

Michael said the party’s two main focus areas for drug reform were to see the drug driving laws changed and to be allowed to and grow some plants at home.

“The ACT already has made it legal to grow plants at home – why not NSW too?”

“It’s ridiculous that even people using legal medical cannabis are not allowed to drive.

“It’s just bullying – and it’s because of the big pharma’s war on drugs - with the police working for them.

“Our health should be in the not for profit sector.”

Federal election

“It’s a big issue for a lot of people and we could see changes in the Federal election which could be in May.”

Michael said the Federal arm of the Legalise Cannabis Australia Party also recently re-registered, meeting the requirement of 1500 members for minor parties to maintain their federal registration.

“More and more people are seeing that criminalising people for using a plant for relaxation or self supply for medical use is the real crime,” Michael said.

“Aussies want cannabis to be more affordable and accessible

“Hemp is a unique fibre, great as a building and textiles material – especially with the price of timber through the roof. It’s better for the environment than cotton and it clean toxin out of the soil. It’s also great as a seed food and medicine.

How to get involved

You can join State and Federal LC Party's and find instructions for prospective candidates and how to donate on 

MardiGrass 30th Anniversary

At the moment, the Nimbin HEMP Embassy is busying getting ready for this year’s annual MardiGrass on April 29 to May 1. 

“We are looking for volunteers with ideas, energy and creativity,” Michael said.

“Stoners are creative and we are looking for special ways to celebrate the 30th anniversary of MardiGrass this year.

“We are looking for photos and movies of the last 30 years and movies and have an exhibition – and maybe make a book.

“We’d especially love to see some pre-digital photos from the 1990s.”

You can apply to be a volunteer on the website



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