Liina Flynn
19 December 2019, 5:50 AM
The Lismore App reported last week that Nimbin’s feral splendid peacock Jesus, and his peahen partner, Mary, had given birth to four elusive peachicks.
Well, the chicks are alive and well and have been snapped by local Nimbin FM radio broadcaster Doug Pinch.
“We weren’t sure at first if there was one or two sets of peachicks,” Doug said.
The mystery evolves: is this a second set of peachicks?
“I got a picture of three of them in the main street, but there were four snapped on Cecil Road.
“It’s a bit of a detective mystery at the moment and I’m hoping if anyone has sighted them, they will let me know.
“We hope they are going to be male, but we are not sure about how to tell their sex.
“Their legs seem longer than last year’s batch, so we think they might be male.”
Doug said having the peacock and peahens wandering around Nimbin “adds so much to the Nimbin DNA”.
“We are a very tolerant town and these birds add beauty to the whole place, especially when they cross the road at the crossing,” he laughed.
A peahen with her chicks being given water and food by a Nimbin local.
“Some people might say peacocks are feral – but what about cats?
“Peacocks don’t cause damage like cats which kill our native wildlife– if they escape into the bush, they will just die off.
“They are in town now eating what they find.”
If anyone spots the chicks wandering around Nimbin, you can let Doug know by emailing