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It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day. An' we be 'ere to 'elp ye celebrate!

The Lismore App

Lara Leahy

18 September 2024, 9:30 PM

It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day. An' we be 'ere to 'elp ye celebrate!These two scallywags started the whole shenanigans! (Image Credit: Cap’n Slappy and Ol’ Chubucket themselves provided it!) 

Avast ye! International Talk Like A Pirate Day (ITLAPD) is for a bit of light hearted fun. So get ready to go on the account (become a pirate)!  

If you have a tricorn, don it. If you have a pirate name, only answer to it. If you don’t have a pirate name, today is the day to select one!

Then, try an' squash yer larynx to deepen yer voice an' squint a bit and try some o' this here lingo on, down below!

But first, why??? It all started in 1995 over a game of racquetball, when two scallywags, Mark Summers and John Bower of Albany, Oregon in USA, began calling the highs, lows and encouragement of the game in pirate speak. 

It was so much fun, they picked a day they knew was not official for anything else and declared it ITLAPD. For 7 years, it was only celebrated by a handful of friends, until they sent the concept to an award winning journalist who ran with it. As have many others since.

To all the scalliwags, rapscallions, gentleman o’ fortune, pyrettes, buccaneers, marauders and privateers out there, here be some jolly words o’ wisdom fer this here day:

Brethren o’ th’ Coast - fellow pirates.

Hornswaggle - to cheat

Hang em from the yardarm - said when you don’t like someone's idea.

No prey, no pay - no work, no pay!

Run a shot across the bow - send a warning…

Parlay - to talk terms

Show a leg! - wake up and get up!

Reef the sails - tighten things up to run the most efficient way without overstressing

Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen - let's get going

Bring a spring upon her cable - change tack or direction without warning

Handsomely - to do something quickly and well done

I’ll kill ya tomorrow! - Thank you

Or try one o’ these:

Get yourself a true pirate name using a pirate name generator.

When you are on the pocket parrot (phone) try doodling your colours (pirate flag).

Learn a shanty!

One doubloon = $1. Now, the cost of everything can be broken down into pirate payments.

If you are feeling in the spirit, use a pirate-speak translator to turn an entire email into something more piratical!

Look up a pirate joke or ten. Here be one t’ start: What be a pirate's favourite letter? You may be thinking RRRrrrrr… but it really be the C that gets at a pirates heart!

Or meet up with another scurvy dog for a clap o’ thunder (drink) after work and test your pyraticalingo!

After all, it be 300 years ago when that there third golden age o' piracy, ended with the deaths o' famous gentlemen o' fortune like Blackbeard, Cap'n Calico Jack, Black Bart, Anne Bonny an' Mary Read. 

Best o’ luck to yer. I 'ope ye make it through th’ day without walkin' the plank to become sharkbait, or sink to Davy Jones' locker!

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