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2022 Lismore Lantern Parade: only six days to go

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Simon Mumford

19 June 2022, 5:14 AM

2022 Lismore Lantern Parade: only six days to go

The winter solstice is this Tuesday, June 21. It is around the shortest day of the year that the Lismore Lantern Parade is scheduled, for 2022 Saturday, June 25 is on the calendar so we have 6-days until the iconic event entertains us and it is back in the CBD albeit with some changes.

"Our Healing Hearts" is this year's theme. CEO and Creative Director Jyllie Jackson explains the theme.

"The Parade this year honours and thanks all those who risked so much to rescue so many in our community in the devastating flood volunteers and professionals. A Brigade of Tinnies will walk with the SES, representing the police, ADF & Rural Fire Service."

"We say thank you too to all the generous folk from far and wide who gave up their time and volunteered to help us clean up in the aftermath of this catastrophe and who are still giving of their hearts and time. THANK YOU."

This year's Lantern Parade will be slightly smaller than previous years because of the flood damage done to Lightn Up Inc's workshop on Keen Street and resources as many volunteers lost their homes in the February 28 megaflood and are not in a position to "work themselves to the bone" as they usually do. But thanks to the hard work of Jyllie and some very generous volunteers, repair work has been completed and new lanterns have been constructed.

"I'm very excited and I feel the excitement from the community," Jyllie said, "Including the schools that will be marching in the parade. There will be over four hundred lanterns being carried by mostly Lismore school's but we do have children from Cabbage Tree Island as well. I want to thank Summerland Credit Union for paying for all the lanterns so no school had to part with money."

"We have people coming from all over the country to be part of this year's Lantern Parade, which is lovely. It was just confirmed today that two people are coming down from Bundaberg to help as well as Ipswich and Melbourne who are here already."

What is this year's route?

"We go from Magellan Street outside the library, cross over Keen Street to Molesworth Street, turn left then we walk towards the skate-park on Victoria Street which is the audience area.

One important note from Jyllie is DO NOT GO DOWN TO RIVERSIDE PARK.

"It is actually not safe and it is an exclusion zone," Jyllie added.

"People are invited to stand along Victoria Street at the end of the parade to view the Fiery Finale which will be near the Norco milk churn."

"One of my favourite parts of the Lantern Parade this year is the procession of north and south. They will be leaving the railway station walking down Union Street, over the bridge and joining us over the levee bank. It is an opportunity to embrace our communities in North and South Lismore on the other side of the river so we can become one community together."

Part of this year's Lismore Lantern Parade will be the new 'Tinnie" lanterns that will be carried in the main parade and those coming from North and South Lismore plus heart banners.

The Tinnies will have people and pets inside.

(Volunteers helping create the tinnie passengers)


The Lismore Lantern Parade is more than the parade itself. There is an afternoon of activity in the CBD for families to enjoy.

This year Market deLight will be running from 12 midday to 8:30pm with a fabulous array of food, arts and crafts and pop-up shops from local CBD businesses. This will be happening in Carrington Street around the Magellan Street intersection lit by party lights when the sun goes down.

KidsFest will be on between 12pm and 4:30pm with fun & games including lantern parade making and street performers thanks to Summerland Credit Union.

The HeartBeats Stage near Dragonfly will be providing live music throughout the afternoon thanks to the Northern Rivers Conservatorium and Southern Cross University between 1pm and 8:30pm.

Sport in the Heart is a new addition for 2022, blending sport and art. The CommBank is sponsoring a cricket clinic in Magellan Street (the top part near the Garden Plate) with local cricket star Sammy Jo Johnson.

As you can read above, the festivities will continue after the Fiery Finale at 7pm until 8:30pm back in the CBD.

There will be some road closures as you would expect on Saturday, June 25. Part of Carrington Street will be closed from the Dragonfly to the carpark on Friday, June 24.

You are encouraged to walk around the CBD on Saturday if you haven't in the last few weeks, and discover who has reopened since the floods. The message is to still Shop Local.


• Market deLight 12pm – 8.30pm The day’s activities begin at 12 noon when the Market deLight opens with a fabulous array of delicious regional food, arts and crafts and hopefully some pop-up shops from local CBD businesses. 


• KidsFest – 12pm – 4.30pm enjoy fun and games with Summerland Credit Union’s activities and other community organisations. Lantern Decorating will be there too so you can join in the parade! Street Performers and fun.


• The HeartBeats Stage 1pm – 8.30pm, The Northern Rivers Conservatorium and Southern Cross University are producing the HeartBeats Stage in Carrington Street, near Dragonfly.

The delightful Little Jarjums from Friends Children’s Centre will do a special Acknowledgement of Country.

Music and performance is drawn from the wealth of talent here on the Northern Rivers. Special guests after the Fiery Finale are Cuban dance band Caribe.


Sport in the Heart 12pm – 4.30pm, CommBank is sponsoring a Cricket Clinic in Magellan Street, come and hone your skills whilst we can’t use the soggy sports fields. A delightful blending of sport and art in the heart of the city!

The Lantern Parade 5.30pm – 6.30pm the fabulous Lanterneers assemble in Magellan Street outside the Library and depart through the Heart of the City to Magellan Street, Market Street to gather in Victoria Street behind Heritage Park.

The Procession of The North and South- 6pm. We embrace representatives from the communities of North and South Lismore who have been on such an epic journey of survival and loss this year. The Procession honours and affirms the connection and inclusion of all who live and work on the ‘other side’ of the river.

The Fiery Finale 6.30-7pm, Our Healing Hearts - beginning to make peace with the River and healing ourselves and the land in which we live.

It is seen as a respectful, humble and tentative acknowledgement of our challenging relationship with the River that runs through the heart of our town. We hope it will be a chance for us to reach through our trauma together in this place of meeting and find Our Healing Hearts.


After Parties 7.15pm – 8.30pm HeartBeats Festival Stage dancing to the fabulous Cuban dance band Caribe

Some Practicalities

• There is still a lot of flu and COVID around, so we advise you wear a face mask to take care of each other. (Keeps you nose warm too!)

• The Public Toilets in the Riverside Car Park will be open. CBD toilets will also be open.

• The Fiery Finale will be up on the Levee bank near the Butter Churn so everyone can stand on Victoria Street and see the beautiful, gentle pyrotechnic display. However, we still advise that you keep your pets locked up at home, so they feel safe.

• Please do not try and go into Riverside Park, it is an exclusion zone – very boggy and unsafe.

• The pathway from the pool behind the Old RSL will be CLOSED, this is an exclusion zone.

• Frequently asked Questions, Festival Map and Road Closure times will be on Facebook and Website (soon)


 Importantly, the Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting a sunny day with 22 degrees so the weather box can be ticked. It will be a cold 7 degrees later in the night so beanies, gloves and warm gear will need to be carried.

The 2022 Lismore Lantern Parade is set to bring our community together once again, like the One From The Heart concert in May. A time when we can relax, smile and forget about the stresses of life for one day.

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