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Fundies Wholefood Market to close for renovations

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Liina Flynn

28 April 2021, 1:50 AM

Fundies Wholefood Market to close for renovations

Fundies Wholefood Market on Keen Street is closing for renovations at the end of this week - so if you have any shopping to do there, get in quick.

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Fundies store manager Rachel O’Connor said the store will be closed for about two weeks, before it reopens with more stock and a new look.

“We will be closing at the end of business on Saturday,” Rachel said.

“We have a sale on for the next three days with 15% off store wide, plus plus triple points on purchases for members.

“It’s really exciting because the renovations will be extend the shop and increase our produce and fridge area – taking everything a whole new level up.”

Fundies became a part of the Flannerys health food store chain about three years ago and the chain’s marketing manager Kate said the Lismore shop hasn’t been renovated for over 20 years.

“It’s about time we gave it a freshening up,” she said. “The community have been supporting us for so long – and we are going to use all local tradespeople to do the work – carpenters, painters, electricians and plumbers."


Kate said the walls will be moved and the shop area expanded to create a new naturopathy area with a private consult room.

“It will give you privacy if you want to talk about whatever your health journey is with the naturopath. It will still be a free service,” she said.

“We’ll also clean the floors and give them a good polish and freshen up the paint on the walls.

New ranges

“We’ve had so many suggestions and requests for products and we can’t fit them in.

“There’s a plethora of people making and creating amazing food in the area and we want to support it, but only have one freezer.

“So, we will be bringing in nine new fridge freezers and stocking more plant based foods, sauces and a variety of pre-made meals, pizzas, dumplings and an expanded ice-cream range.”

“In the bulk foods section, we will mix it up with more variety - and in the produce section, stock more leafy greens and produce.

“We can look forward to more types of bread and pestos too.”


Kate said for the next three days, Fundies is having a 15% off store-wide sale (with triple points earned) to say thank you to customers - and clear the shelves.

Anything left when they close will be given to the local food bank.

“We’ve been taking everyone’s bread and milk orders to make sure they have what they need while we close,” Kate said.

“We will well keep everyone updated about the opening date. We hope it’s going to be two weeks, fingers crossed.”

Visit Fundies website

Read more about Fundies: UPDATE: Fundies to stay open through administration process

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