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All is nearly normal as libraries reopen

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24 June 2020, 3:13 AM

All is nearly normal as libraries reopen

It’s been a long pandemic – and the books, printers, scanners and Wifi at Richmond Tweed Regional Library are awaiting us to come back to them.

The good news for library users is that on Wednesday, July 1 all Richmond Tweed Regional Library buildings will reopen following the Covid lockdown period.

Richmond Tweed Regional Library Manager, Jo Carmody said the library will continue to be widely available online, including the ability to access eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines.

“There will be a continuation into the foreseeable future, of popular pre-recorded programs such as Storytime, which are accessible on Facebook and on the library’s YouTube channel,” she said.

Live author events will also continue in the Regional Readers Book Club Facebook group.

Jo said the Click and Collect service will cease on July 1 with physical branches reopening for you to select and collect items during opening hours.

“If you have any concerns about visiting library branches to select and collect items, please contact your local library staff for other options,” Jo said.

“We’re so excited to be able to welcome back our regular and new library users.

“There are some very important conditions the community needs to be aware of before coming to the library.

“Conditions which effect things like our opening hours, how many people can be in the library at any one time, and how staff are able to assist.

“There’s also many ways the community can help us all keep safe and well.”

Jo also said “unfortunately, the Mobile Library will be off the road due to its size”.

“It’s a small space and there’s no way to guarantee the safety of the community and our staff in such confines,” she said.

“We are determined to find a way to service our outlying communities as soon as possible.”

You can keep up to date with all the latest news from the library on their website at

Opening hours

• The library will be operating at reduced hours, contact your library branch for more information or view the branch information on our website at

• Seating will be reduced, and groups and meetings will not be permitted until further notice


• All items should be returned via the chute on the outside of your library building (or to the returns area as directed at your library)

• All returns will be quarantined for 72 hours prior to check-in


• Our Click and Collect service will finish on 1 July. You will be able to borrow items as normal and pick up reserves. If possible, please reserve items via the online catalogue available from the library website at

• The borrowing period will return to the usual 3 weeks

• Frequently handled items like newspapers and children's toys will be unavailable at this time

Public computers

• Printers, scanners, Wi-Fi, and a limited number of PCs will be available for you to use

• Staff may be able to assist with computers, copying and scanning from the required 1.5 metre distance

• PC sessions will be limited to 30 minutes and must be booked beforehand, by phone or online at

Help by...

• Sanitising your hands when you enter the library

• Practicing good hygiene and maintaining social distancing

• Staying at home if you are unwell

• Using the loans stations where possible

Other information

• Our eLibrary remains open 24/7

• Children's programs and author events will continue online

• Staff are available to help over the phone 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday


In order to make sure everyone is safe when visiting the library please follow the following conditions of entry:

1. Show your membership card or sign in to enter the library

2. Practice social distancing and good hygiene at all times

3. Staff may be able to assist with computers, copying and scanning from the required 1.5 metre distance

4. To reduce physical contact, EFTPOS is the preferred method of payment

5. All returned items are quarantined for 72 hours prior to check-in

6. Online programming will continue

7. Please be respectful to staff and other visitors

8. Download the COVIDSAFE app

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