Liina Flynn
29 April 2020, 9:25 PM
“At Nimbin’s MardiGrass this year, you can smoke joints in the comfort of your lounge room, there are no police, no road blocks, no saliva tests, no dogs and no rain” – Michael Balderstone.
According to Nimbin Hemp Embassy president Michael Balderstone, coronavirus won’t stop this year’s annual cannabis law reform protest from going ahead on May 1-3 – it’s just going online, in a new globe spanning, virtual format that’s never been seen before.
There might not be a big joint paraded through the streets of Nimbin and the Kombi convoy is canned - but the bong throwing, HEMP Olympix and joint rolling will still be happening.
"Let's turn the Corona lockdown lemon into lemonade,” Michael said.
Michael invites people to send in their entries for the events as movies, with potential for a live, three paper joint rolling competition with all participants online at the same time.
The Pot Poetry, Pot Art, HEMP Fashion Parade, Weed Laughs and the MardiGrass Music Awards will all be online too.
“People are already online in chatrooms (visit and we are waiting for entries,” Michael said.
Mardi Grass 2018 photo by Wolfgang Jalog.
“People can join in throughout this weekend to lots of different events and talks.
“There will be a Discord chat room and multiple Zoom rooms, as well as links to Youtube and Facebook live feeds.”
To take part, you need to go to, and register on the online platform Discord, which allows potentially thousands of participants to be in the discussion at any time.
"We always have a lot of international visitors at MardiGrass, but online it will be truly global this year and we hope entries will come in from all over,” Michael said.
“Some lucky people in more enlightened areas of the planet can even send in legal entries to the Cannabis Cup.
“You can also send in cannabis questions of any kind, legal or illegal, medicinal or industrial, and next weekend various doctors, healers, growers and makers will be available to answer and chat.
Mardi Grass 2018 photo by Wolfgang Jalog.
“Dr Andrew Katelaris and Dr John Teh will each be in a zoom room to answer questions, along with Martin Ernegg and other weed experts.”
“The HEMP Olympix torch bearer is determined to be in it as usual and jogging is allowed so that's all good,” Michael said.
“The HEMP Olympix plans to start at midday Saturday as tradition has it and anyone around the entire planet is invited to send in a film of their Growers Iron Person or Joint Rolling expertise.
“It’s either the Creative Roll with as many papers as you like in ten minutes, or the famous three papers and a filter old school Speed Roll.
Pot Poetry with Australia's twice champion poet David Hallett is on as usual on Sunday morning.
“There will be other surprises and you are welcome to sign up and join in and make suggestions.
“Remember it's a protest asking for the prohibition of Cannabis to end and we're trying to have some fun while we're at it because it's taking a very long time for them to see the error of their ways.”
Virtual MardiGrass will take place from May 1-3 here: