13 January 2020, 1:47 AM
Lismore City Council is advising Nimbin residents that despite the introduction of water restrictions, residents and businesses in the village are not meeting water reduction targets.
“This means tougher restrictions may soon be needed,” a Council statement said.
“Average consumption per person remained the same under Level 2 restrictions.
“Following the introduction of Level 3 restrictions late last year, consumption fell to 175 litres per day.
“This is short of the daily 150 litres target to ensure the village doesn’t run out of water and can maintain a water supply.
“Residents and business are urged to immediately reduce their current water consumption."
Nimbin’s water supply is sourced from Mulgum Creek and is operated by Lismore City Council.
The water supply for the rest of Lismore Local Government Area is sourced from Rocky Creek Dam and is operated by Rous County Council.
Rous County Council has introduced Level 1 water restrictions for all areas in the Lismore Local Government Area, excluding Nimbin.
Under Level 3 water restrictions, Nimbin residents can:
• Watering cans or buckets can be used on established gardens at any time.
• Hand-held hoses with an on-off nozzle can only be used to water gardens for a maximum of 10 minutes, between the hours of 4pm and 9am, on odd or even days matching your house number.
• Other irrigation, such as sprinklers, and unattended hoses are banned.
• Filling of new swimming pools is permitted only to reduce structural damage between 4pm and 9am using a hand-held house with one-off nozzle.
• Top up of fountains and water features is not permitted except to maintain fish life.
• Washing of driveways, paved areas, walls, windows, roofs and paths not permitted except for health and safety reasons by a registered cleaning business only.
• Washing of cars permitted with efficient high-pressure, low-flow rate cleaners with trigger control for five minutes between 4pm and 9am on odd and even days matching your house number.