Liina Flynn
23 September 2019, 1:06 AM
Jane Faulkner’s keeshond dog, Keco, was getting a special grooming before taking to the ring to show her stuff to dog competition judges in this year’s Nimbin Show, held on the weekend.
Jane Faulkner brushes her dog and uses special dog hairspray, costing more than $20 a can.
“We use lots of products and spend more on dog grooming products than we do on products for ourselves,” she laughed.
The 100th Nimbin Show attracted about 5000 people who came from far and wide, with many families attending.
Jane Faulkner’s keeshond dog, Keco, and one of her Japanese Sptiz dogs get a grooming.
But Jane said winning a prize wasn’t just based on how the dog’s coat looks.
“It’s all about the shape of the dog,” she said. “Keco has won best dog of the show at lots of shows before.”
Jane travelled to Nimbin from Beaudesert in Queensland, with a few of her dogs, including a Japanese spitz.
Lottie, the silver poodle.
Lottie, the silver poodle is used to being groomed.
Her owner Paula Morgan from Brisbane said “she’s quite a rare breed”.
“It’s my first show in Nimbin and I came for the 100 year anniversary to support the show,” Paula said.
She also brought along miniature poodles and she grooms dogs as part of her business.
“I use special hair brushes and coconut oil for the dog’s coat. Poodles need to be groomed every six weeks.”
Matilda Purnell and Ella Purnell with Guy Fawkes Superman and Guy Fawkes Superman Lego.
Matilda Purnell, 6, was happy to ride her brumby Guy Fawkes Superman which won champion brumby at Nimbin Show this year.
She came along to the Show with her mum Ella Purnell and her brother Joshua Purnell, 4, who rode brumby Guy Fawkes Superman Lego - which won reserve champion brumby.
“Both of the children help train the horses at our home in Mullumbimby,” Ella said.
Ayla Gall and her dad Aaron Gall.
Ayla Gall and her dad Aaron Gall from Swan Bay came to Nimbin Show for the day.
“Mum’s got bakewares in the competition,” Aaron said.
“I like the chickens,” Ayla said.
Ken Snailes with his chickens.
Ken Snailes from McKies Hill brought along nine ducks, chickens and roosters to the show, including Spanish chickens.
“It’s my passion, I’ve won a couple of prizes over the last few years,” he said.
“It’s all about their feathers. I washed and bathed them yesterday.”
Riley and Shayla White with Matilda.
Riley White, 8, from Bentley won the white ribbon for parading cattle at the show.
He has a special relationship with Matilda, a British white cow that won reserve champion at this year’s show in the under 24-month category.
"She's a gentle cow," he said.
Danielle Schafer and Greta Carroll from Djanbung Permaculture Gardens.
Danielle Schafer and Greta Carroll from Djanbung Permaculture Gardens were happy bring along their herbs and plants to the Nimbin Show.
“Nimbin has a diverse community and people are interested in growing their own food,” Danielle said.
“At Djanbung Gardens, we grow in an integrated permaculture system with chickens and ducks, where the chickens fertilize the gardens and orchards.”
Nancy Nugent, Daisy Stewart, Phyllis Williams and MP Janelle Saffin.
Local MP Janelle Saffin came along to the Nimbin show and said that the show being free for its 100th birthday meant more families were coming to the show this year.
“I love the horses and the dogs,” she said.
“The show is a cultural event and was traditionally a significant part of the yearly agricultural calendar. It’s an important part of our economy and we need to showcase it and reconnect with agriculture.
Nimbin local Nancy Nugent said usually shows are dying – “but this year is a revival”.
“There’s a good crowd here. The Nimbin Show began 100 years ago and this has brought back the old times.
Nancy reminisced about the days when she was younger and the agricultural shows were such an important part of the community social calendar that everyone used to get new clothes especially for the occasion.
“We used to make a dress for the Nimbin Show and then wear it to the Lismore Show too."
To find out more about the 2019 Nimbin show, read Crowds well up for this years 100th Nimbin Show