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If you re-build it (again) they will come…

The Lismore App

10 August 2022, 8:31 PM

If you re-build it (again) they will come…

135 days ago, the FNC Baseball Season was to start. But well… we are all aware of what happened in February this year. The only activity at Albert Park Baseball Complex, these past months has been heavy machinery removing debris, such as shipping containers and large gas cylinders, that were caught like mullet in the baseball nets.

Much of the baseball infrastructure was decimated by the flood – stands are still upside down, the canteen, that serves the best hot chips at any sporting field, is an empty shell, the foul nets are ripped and blow free in the breeze. The batting cages are no more, instead the materials are stacked in piles where once players were able to practice hitting.

The clay has been displaced and the sand has washed away, many sports with less infrastructure have managed a season by playing games away and slowly the teams have made their way back to their home fields. Baseball unfortunately has not been so lucky, we have not been able to play at our ‘away’ venues, Ballina and Casino experienced excess water also.

So it is with great excitement that FNC Baseball Association is able to welcome back its members this Saturday 13th August, to ground 4. At this stage we can only offer social baseball which is better than no baseball. The other three remaining fields are not yet playable.

This invitation is open to all members past and present, young and old, male or female, to those that have never played and to those that have never stopped. The FNC Board plans to continue to support the growth and development of this game and the only way that we can do that is with you.

We ask that our members register their interest on the jot form prior to this Saturday that can be found at or our Facebook page. We have allocated time slots 10:00am for 14 and under. 12:30pm and 2:45pm for Seniors 15 and over. If you can’t make it this week, register and come next week.


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