Lismore MP Janelle Saffin has welcomed the NSW Government’s strengthened commitment to tackling pest and weed infestations between neighbouring public and private lands across her electorate.
The $10-million Good Neighbours Program, led by Local Land Services and involving other agencies, Landcare and local councils, will undertake 21 initial biosecurity projects in priority areas, benefiting local farmers and communities, Ms Saffin says.
“I fully backed in this major election commitment to support public and private land managers working together to better manage invasive species to protect the profitability of our agricultural sector and our rich biodiversity.
“It’s good to see a number of local projects getting immediate attention but there is scope for additional projects to be funded as the Good Neighbours Program runs until mid-2026.”
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Good Neighbours local projects:
- Chinese Violet Program (North Coast) – This program is based in the Tweed Shire, where Rous County Council is targeting Chinese violet on the fringes of the Heritage Wollumbin National Park and Jerusalem National Park.
- Job’s Tears Eradication Program (North Coast) - Led by Rous County Council, Landcare and landholders, this program aims to eradicate Job’s tears from creek lines in the Kyogle and Lismore local government areas.
- Tropical Soda Apple Eradication (TSA) Program (North Coast) - This program targets Tropical soda apple across the Lismore, Kyogle, Tweed Shire, Byron Shire, Ballina, and Richmond Valley local government areas, led by Rous County Council, community groups and landholders.
- North Coast Branch Pig Control Program (North Coast and Northern Tablelands) - Feral pig control led by the North Coast branch of the National Parks and Wildlife Service across 12 reserves from western Richmond River to the coast, from Ballina in the north to Hat Head in the south.
- Cane Toad Program (North Coast) - Joint efforts between the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Local Land Services, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Forestry Corporation of NSW, Landcare and private landholders to control cane toads on the North Coast