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Gladys paves the yellow brick road map for NSW

The Lismore App

Sara Browne

27 September 2021, 2:44 AM

Gladys paves the yellow brick road map for NSW

Our Premier Gladys Berejiklian has this morning urged NSW citizens to “hang in there for two more weeks” with the promise that October 11th will be a date of freedom as we hit the 70% double dose target.


With an anticipated two weeks between hitting 70% and 80%, it was also confirmed at this morning’s media conference, by Deputy Premier John Barilaro, that all of regional NSW will be open for travel once the 80% target is reached, for any NSW resident.


The Premier explained that freedom to travel within the state will include people currently living in lockdown in the LGAs of concern. 


“All citizens of greater Sydney will have the same freedoms as everybody else, including the current 12 LGAs of concern.”


John Barilaro said, “there is no excuse in regional and rural NSW not to get vaccinated.”


Both the Premier and the Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant warned vigilance in the predicted two weeks between the 70% and 80% rate achievement.


Premier Berejiklian urged the public to “exercise a very high degree of caution so as to avoid further stress on health facilities” and also warned that “case numbers will go through the roof” once the state opens up.


December 1st was announced as the predicted date for the final stage of the roadmap when a 90% double dose rate is envisaged.


“Unvaccinated people will be able to participate in certain events…and a range of other things that kick in on that date,” the Premier said.


The Premier was questioned about the legality of the proof of vaccination requirement and what responsibility businesses and police will have and said “we will seek legal advice” as to whether police can ask to see vaccination status.


“We know that the health orders stand up in legal settings…the legal system supports the measures in exceptional circumstances that government has to take,” she added.


“There are laws in the systems to allow government to make these decisions in exceptional circumstances,” she reiterated.


Berejiklian said that businesses “will be asked to do is pretty much the same as what you’ve been asked to do pre-Delta.”


“We’re giving business certainty that the onus will be on the individual to show that they’re vaccinated,” she explained further.


With vertical drinking, community sport and regional travel touted as some of the changes planned in the roadmap, Premier Berejiklian said “it’s a very disappointing day for those that are not vaccinated, they’re going to have to wait longer than they assumed.”


So what does it mean if you are a local business owner or employee awaiting or unsure of vaccination?


The Lismore App will release further information in an update this afternoon.

Further detail of the roadmap to recovery is available at


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