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Four teenagers arrested and charged after a public altercation in Casino

The Lismore App

15 April 2024, 2:54 AM

Four teenagers arrested and charged after a public altercation in Casino

Four male teenagers have been arrested and charged with reckless wounding and affray offences after a public altercation in Casino on Saturday.

About 6.55pm Saturday 13 April 2024 four (4) male teens were at a restaurant in Casino. The males aged 15, 16, 17 and 19 years old had purchased food at the restaurant and moved to an outside dining area. At this location words were exchanged between the teens and two older males aged 37 and 41 years old, who it is alleged are unknown to them.

The exchange of words escalated into a physical altercation with all four teens picking up chairs and throwing them at and using them to strike the older males. As the physical altercation continued, the teens are alleged to have punched and kicked at the older males as well as one of the teens producing a hammer which was used to strike the 41-year-old male to the face and head area causing serious facial injuries and fractures.

Within a short time, Police arrived on scene and investigations commenced. NSW Ambulance attended, and the male with the head injuries was conveyed to Lismore base Hospital for treatment.

Police located the four teens a short distance from the location, and they were arrested and conveyed to Casino Police Station where they were subsequently charged.

Resulting, three of the teens were bail refused by Police to appear before the Children's Court on Sunday 14 April 2024 and the fourth teen was conditionally bailed to appear before the Children's Court on 17 April 2024.

On Sunday, 14 April 2024, all three teens' bail refused by Police appeared before the Children’s Court and all three were subsequently granted conditional bail to reappear before the Children’s Court on later dates.

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