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First look at concept designs for Lennox Head Public School relocation

The Lismore App

03 June 2024, 6:50 AM

First look at concept designs for Lennox Head Public School relocationAn artist impression of the new Lennox Head Public School. Photo: supplied

The Lennox Head Public School community will have the first look at the concept design for their new school, as work on the project to relocate the school to the corner of Montwood and Snapper Drives continues.


The project will provide classrooms and new core school facilities including a hall with a covered outdoor area, as well as outdoor spaces with play equipment and a games court.


The design will continue to be developed in consultation with technical experts and local stakeholders.


Work is also underway to prepare specialist environmental and planning reports to inform the planning application for the project. These reports will be available for community review once the application for planning approval is placed on public exhibition.


A new public preschool will also be provided at the school as part of the NSW Government’s commitment to expand access to early childhood education. The preschool will be separated from the primary school areas and will have its own entry, parking and secure outdoor area with play equipment.


For more information about the relocation project and concept designs, drop-in information sessions for the community will be held on Wednesday, June 5 at Lennox Head Public School Hall. Invitations will be shared with the community.


Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said, “The Minns Labor Government is committed to ensuring school communities across regional NSW have access to high-quality facilities, which is why we invested a record $1.4 billion for regional school infrastructure in our last budget. This includes the relocation of Lennox Head Public School to state-of-the-art facilities on a brand new site.


“Investing in our children’s future means creating spaces where students and teachers can excel, which is why it’s so exciting to see these concept designs bringing the vision for the new Lennox Head Public School to life.


“I'd like to thank the community for their patience as planning continues for the relocation of the school.”


Member for Ballina Tamara Smith said, “It has been a long wait for our Lennox Head Public School community and I am pleased to see the concept design for the new Lennox Head Public School.


“Together we are building a better future to support students and families in our community. Seeing the concept design for the new school makes it a reality and gives everyone a vision of the future.


“I look forward to celebrating with the community the future milestones for this important project.”


Lennox Head Public School Principal Deborah Langfield said, “We are excited to see a glimpse into the future of our school. The concept design helps us better understand and envision the state-of-the-art facilities that will support our students in their learning. 


“This is a significant milestone for us, and a testament to the hard work and careful planning of all involved. We look forward to seeing this project progress.”

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