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Farmers call for unsafe Bentley bridge replacement

The Lismore App

19 May 2020, 12:32 AM

Farmers call for unsafe Bentley bridge replacementLismore MP Janelle Saffin at the bridge at Bentley.

An unsafe bridge at Bentley needing to be replaced is in the spotlight of farming families and Lismore MP Janelle Saffin. 

Disputed Plains Bridge on Bungabee Road, Bentley, has recently had a two tonnne weight limit imposed in it by local councils.

Ms Saffin said she was contacted by families whose farming operations were severely impacted by Lismore City and Richmond Valley councils’ decision to impose the weight limit on the boundary bridge.

“One couple no longer has heavy vehicle access, which is essential for transporting cattle, fodder, seed or construction materials,” Ms Saffin said.


“At present, they have about 250 tonnes of silage cut, baled and stacked, ready for sale, but cannot move it.


“The bridge is this couple’s only means of access other than trekking through neighbouring properties or walking across disused railway bridges.


“I immediately made representations to both Mayors and thank Richmond Valley General Manager Vaughan Macdonald for providing me with a full briefing on the bridge’s deteriorating condition, which I shared with residents.


“Richmond Valley Council also undertook to consult with these affected residents to gain a full understanding of their heavy transport needs.

Ms Saffin last week inspected the bridge, which an engineering consultant has recommended needs urgent replacement within three months at an estimated cost of about $500,000.


In a letter to Ms Saffin, Mr Macdonald advised that many farmers in this area, particularly those who are recovering from drought, bushfire and flooding, have diversified to survive the drought. 

Mr Macdonald wrote that some have shifted into bailing silage for their first season or are working to increase their properties’ resilience by bringing in machinery to improve dams or cut fire breaks, 


Ms Saffin said it was imperative that the bridge be replaced so that Bungabee residents’ lives and livelihoods can return to normal as soon as possible.


She said because neither council had budgeted for this work, they were investigating jointly applying for State or Federal funding programs, which would have her support.


Ms Saffin has contacted State Member for Clarence Chris Gulaptis and NSW Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall (Northern Tablelands) so that they were aware of the affected farmers’ plight.

Residents had also written to Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan.  

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