09 October 2019, 9:39 PM
You might see magpies, rosellas, lorikeets, wrens or willy wagtails - It depends where you look.
The Aussie Backyard Bird Count is on this October and organisers are calling for Lismore residents to get involved.
All you need to do is to stay in one place for 20 minutes and count birds.
It’s one pf Australia’s biggest citizen science events, held from 21-27 October 2019.
This national event enables everyone from school children, senior citizens, families and community groups to participate in capturing a snapshot of Australia’s birds.
In doing so, citizen scientists play a vital role in providing important information to BirdLife Australia to help increase our understanding of Australian bird species.
All it takes is 20 minutes in your backyard, local park, or favourite outdoor space – anywhere you can count birds.
Data and results from the Count will be valuable in many ways, such as guiding on-ground management, analysing bird adaptation to local developments, or identifying good ‘birding spots’ for ecotourism.
The Aussie Backyard Bird Count only takes place once per year in National Bird Week.
Another survey, Birds In Backyards,runs seasonal surveys (four per year) for you to take part in.
For more information about the Backyard Bird Count, visit https://aussiebirdcount.org.au/
You can submit your counts to the Aussie Backyard Bird Count website or by downloading the Aussie Bird Count app.
Visit https://aussiebirdcount.org.au/#app to download the app.
The app is also a Field Guide and Bird Finder to help you identify birds.
While you’re waiting for the bird count to begin, you can learn more about attracting native birds to your backyard through bird-friendly gardening by visiting https://aussiebirdcount.org.au/gardening/
You can also practise your bird identification and get to know the birds in your backyard by downloading the Aussie Bird Count app and using the Field Guide function.