19 August 2019, 5:08 AM
Lismore City Council is requesting that residents refrain from putting Resource Recovery Collection Satchels in their bins until the Lismore Recycling and Recovery Centre is reopened.
The waste facility has been closed since a fire started in the compost piles and spread to the Materials Recovery Facility on August 11.
The council and NSW Fire and Rescue are still working on extinguishing the smouldering green waste.
However, even once the fire is completely out, the waste facility is expected to remain closed for several weeks.
In the meantime, the council has made interim arrangements for the disposal of most of the waste.
“We are asking all residents to please stop placing Resource Recovery Collection Satchels in yellow recycling bins for the time being,” the council said in a Facebook post today.
“The facility in Chinderah where we are sending recycling while the Lismore Recycling and Recovery Centre is closed does not accept these satchels.
“Please keep them in your cupboard until our recycling centre reopens.”
The Resource Recovery Collection Satchels allow people you to recycle "problem waste" such as household batteries, reading glasses, corks, CDs and DVDs, X-rays, mobile phones and accessories, small electronics (such as cameras, iPods and calculators) and printer cartridges.
Easy to spot by manual sorters, the satchels are normally removed from the recycling conveyor belt at the Materials Recovery Facility and the items inside separated for further recycling.