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Do alpacas spit at the Lismore Show?

The Lismore App

Liina Flynn

18 October 2019, 12:27 AM

Do alpacas spit at the Lismore Show?Judy and her alpacas at the Lismore Show.

Alpacas do spit, but only if you hassle them.

That’s what Judy Barlow, owner of Kallaroo Alpaca Stud said as she cuddled her soft-fleeced alpacas at the Lismore Show.

Judy brought her cute alapacas to the Show to get them used to being given attention from admiring humans.

Read more about the Lismore Show:

“I want them to become accustomed to being touched so I can bring them to competitions for judging in future shows,” she said.

Judy’s alpaca stud has 11 acres of land with good protective fencing to keep dogs out.

Raising alpacas has become a lifestyle for her and her husband who “learn about them on the job”.

“We had the land and wanted to do something on it, so we decided to try breeding alpacas,” she said.

“We learned basic husbandry for them as we went along and we love them now.

“They are friendly and easy to handle and we sell their fleece and breed them as pets for people.”

Judy said alpacas are unique in that they don’t have a season where they come on heat.

“They are instant ovulators and so we can plan their pregnancies.

“They have a long gestation period of 11.5 months and when the babies are born, it’s a lucky dip as to what colour their fleece will be.”

Judy and her alpacas will be at the Lismore Show today and tomorrow.

For more Lismore Show information, visit: Lismore Show

The Lismore Show runs until Saturday October 19.

Events will be happening each day, including poultry, cattle and equestrian shows. 

There’s also a rodeo, comedy shows for children, Dock Dogs jumping into a large pool, a community stage with a big line up of performers each day, monster trucks, carnival rides and a Lego building competition. 

Entry is free for school children and adult tickets cost $12.50.

The schedule is available online at

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