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Dairy farmers get help to lower power bills

The Lismore App

22 June 2020, 11:40 PM

Dairy farmers get help to lower power bills

Dairy farmers can now apply for grants to support them in making their energy use more efficient and lowering their power bills.

The Federal Government's Energy Efficient Communities Program offers up to $20,000 for a dairy farming business to upgrade equipment.

Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan said "energy use in milk cooling, milk harvesting and hot water production is one of the highest overheads in the dairy industry".

“This is costing dairy farmers as high as $12,800 per 100 cows each year,” Mr Hogan said.


“This funding will provide financial support at a time when so many in the dairy industry are struggling.”


“It is about keeping more money in their pockets.”


“Supporting the long-term sustainability of our dairy farmers is critical to the sustainability of our community and our food security.”


The Energy Efficient Communities Program was announced as part of the Government’s Climate Solutions Package in the 2019 Federal Budget. $10 million has been made specifically available for the dairy round.


Grant guidelines and application forms for the dairy round are available at, or by telephone on 13 28 46. Applications will close on 17 August 2020.


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