25 December 2019, 11:02 PM
Don’t dump rubbish outside of op-shops, is the message from Lismore City Council’s Environmental Compliance Officer Stuart Thomson.
“You will be caught on our newly installed CCTV cameras and fined up to $2000 if you do,” he said.
“We would like to once again ask residents to please dispose of waste correctly and not dump goods at our local op-shops.
“This practice costs local charities money to remove – money that could be better spent helping people in need.
“This year, we have installed new CCTV cameras, so if you dump rubbish at a local op-shop you will be caught and fined.
“It is a shame that we have reached this point but it’s time for us to step in and take some action. Our message is simple – do the right thing or you will be fined.”
Illegal dumping was so bad at one CBD location over last year’s Christmas break that motorists could not drive along Eggins Lane because it was blocked by items left outside the Salvation Army building.
Four truckloads of waste were taken away and local business owners were unable to access the lane for deliveries.
“So please, only take items in good condition to your local op-shop and deliver them during business hours.
"All other waste or recyclables should be taken to the Lismore Recycling & Recovery Centre where it can be placed in the Revolve Shop, recycled or taken to landfill,” Mr Thompson said.
He said residents are entitled to three free visits to the Lismore Recycling & Recovery Centre each year and this is a great way to dispose of unwanted goods or waste for free.
To apply for your free waste voucher, visit www.northernriverswaste.com.au or call Council on 1300 87 83 87.