Simon Mumford
27 February 2025, 8:00 PM
Yesterday's Lismore City Council extraordinary meeting descended into chaos when Councillors (Cr) Rob and Gordon engaged in a personal verbal barrage. This followed a confrontation between Cr Guise and Mayor Krieg as the Chair of the extraordinary meeting.
For context, councillors and the public (during public access) should only speak to the motion at hand. In this instance, the discussion should be centred around why the Property Strategy motion, which passed at the last council ordinary meeting, should be rescinded, and not rehash the same information that was tabled during the last debate.
Cr Guise was asking questions to the Richmond River Historical Society's Robyn Braithwaite during public access about how the group has prepared for probable maximum flood heights. A point of order was raised by Cr Rob, which was agreed upon by Mayor Krieg.
"I appreciate the question Cr Guise, but we are speaking as to why it should be rescinded, not the work that the Historical Society has done. So, unless you can offer any alternatives around why the decision should be rescinded and why we shouldn't have a Property Strategy, then you need to rephrase your question."
After a question from Cr Rob, Cr Guise then said, "Unless you make a ruling, an official ruling, and can quote the section and the relevant code of meeting practice as to why I can't ask the question I asked and frame it the way I frame it, then I will ask that question again, and I'll also ask another follow-up question to Robyn.
"Do you think it's fair with a lawful resolution of council to issue a lease to the Richmond River Historical Society to occupy the Municipal Building, that the idea to undertake a property strategy is being used as a cover to kick out the museum from occupying that building. Is that a fair way to conduct council business?"
Mayor Krieg then called a point of order.
"Again, you're impugning improper actions by councillors and council staff, so I'm not going to allow that question."
As the questions from Cr Guise continued, Mayor Krieg once again mentioned it had nothing to do with the rescission motion before Cr Guise challenged the mayor to make an official ruling. Under the code of meeting practice, when the mayor stands, all councillors must sit and remain quiet.
"Cr Guise, the questions should be in and around, why the decision should be rescinded, not hearsay and accusations of wrongdoing. So, either it directs directly to a rescission motion or not at all. And that is my ruling."
Cr Rob and Gordon's joust came during the rescission motion about adopting changes to the Code of Meeting Practice.
While Cr Rob was stating his case, Cr Gordon said something that was audible to Cr Rob. A point of order was called, and Mayor Krieg asked Cr Gordon to refrain from speaking.
Cr Rob then pointed his next comment to Cr Gordon as he continued.
"Anyway, clearly, Cr Gordon doesn't want to have longer meetings or public attending to speak longer or longer periods of public access by restricting them to less than an hour. I think that's clearly the position by the frustration expressed in this chamber when another councillor is talking. I think it's very rude. Sorry Cr Gordon, would you like another point of order? Yeah, but you're not the chair, are you Cr Gordon."
To which Mayor Krieg said, "I am. Thanks Cr Rob."
"Cr Rob turned his attention to the mayor.
"You are Mr Mayor so you should be intervening on your member of your team. Do your job."
Cr Rob thought he heard another comment from Cr Gordon, and with his microphone on, said, "Sorry, what was that? Are you calling me a smart arse? What are you saying? Say it on the record."
Mayor Krieg then said Cr Rob's time was up and to take his seat, when Cr Rob called another point of order.
"Point of order, Mr Mayor, about interruptions every time I speak, constantly. I am sick of it. Do your job with your team member."
Mayor Krieg then reiterated to all councillors to refrain from speaking while other councillors were talking. To which Cr Rob continued to talk, so the mayor said, "Thank you Cr Rob, your'e doing the exact same thing as what you asked me to pull him up."
Cr Rob continued to speak inaudibly with his microphone off after which Cr Gordon joined in.
Finally, Mayor Krieg adjourned the meeting for 15 minutes to allow rising tempers to calm.
When the extraordinary meeting resumed, it was without Crs Guise, Knight-Smith and Waters.
A vote was called with the rescission motion defeated 5/1 with Cr Rob in support and Crs Gordon, Bing, Hall, Battista and Krieg against. Cr Dalton-Earls was absent from the meeting.
As a side, and as expected, all rescission motions were defeated.
With the new code of meeting practice that will be adopted in a few months by the Office of Local Government, meetings could be more volatile.
Councillors will be asked to stand when the Mayor enters the room. Cr Rob said during yesterday's meeting that he will not be standing when Mayor Krieg enters the room.
A chairperson can expel members of the public or a councillor from a meeting. A councillor can be expelled if they fail to comply with a requirement under clause 15.1 with regard to an act of disorder. Councillors can only be expelled by a resolution of the council or the committee of the council. You can't help but think an expulsion is likely at some point over the next three years.
What went missing during yesterday's council meeting was part of 2.1 Meeting Principles of the Code of Meeting Practice:
Respectful: Councillors, staff and meeting attendees treat each other with respect.
Maybe next time.