18 July 2019, 1:29 AM
Lismore City Council has identified those responsible for the illegal construction and demolition waste that was illegally dumped on the road reserve at the intersection of Wyrallah Road and Leslie Lane, Tucki Tucki, around April 9.
Almost 10 tonnes of waste material consisting of concrete, soil, timber and plastic products were dumped resulting in clean-up costs in excess of $2,500.
The council’s senior environmental investigator Stuart Thomson said he was happy with the outcome of the investigation.
“The company responsible has been extremely cooperative in helping Council with its investigation," Mr Thomson said.
"It’s a good result for Council and for the ratepayers of Lismore to be able to identify those responsible for such an irresponsible act.
"At the very least we will now be able to recover the clean-up costs associated with the offence.
"Council has some very experienced and determined investigators on board and let it be a warning that Council will investigate all instances of illegal dumping thoroughly.”
Mr Thomson said the illegal disposal of waste material was an issue that resulted in significant clean-up costs for the council year each.
He warned consequences that people faced for illegal dumping far outweighed the cost of disposing of waste legally.
Fines range from $2000 up to a maximum of $1 million dollars.