Simon Mumford
27 March 2020, 5:37 AM
The most recent information from the Northern NSW Local Health District has confirmed three more cases of coronavirus in our area. This brings the total now to 25.
The new cases are:
The Public Health Unit is following up close contacts of cases who are located within NNSWLHD, who are being asked to self-isolate for 14 days from last contact with the confirmed case.
They will be contacted daily to check that they are well and anyone who develops COVID-19 symptoms will be tested for the virus.
If you are considered a close contact of a confirmed case, a Health officer will contact you directly.
The cases for NNSWLHD include:
Of these previous 22 cases, 19 are currently in self-isolation at home and two are in hospital. One person is considered to have recovered.
The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison announced this afternoon that from midnight tomorrow anyone coming back into Australia on over seas flights will be self isolating in hotels with other passengers for 14 days before they are allowed home.
The Australian Army has also been brought in to help Police monitor those people already in self isolation.
The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in NSW stands at 1,405 of which 877 were acquired over seas.
A COVID-19/flu clinic is established the Lismore Base Hospital, it is open from 10am to 6pm daily.