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Chicken judging is not for amateurs at the Lismore Show

The Lismore App

Liina Flynn

17 October 2019, 8:27 PM

Chicken judging is not for amateurs at the Lismore ShowPoultry steward Jeff Thompson and judge Brian Weiss at the Lismore Show.

Poultry steward Jeff Thompson and judge Brian Weiss are looking for the best birds in the poultry competition at the Lismore Show.

They’ve been working their way around the 287 entered chickens in the competition and are now judging the Rhode Island Red chickens.

Jeff inspects each chicken one by one, looking at their feathers, eyes and combs for colour and presentation.

“When I’m judging their combs, it’s standard for a chicken to have three to five points,” Luke said. 

“Three is ideal and the centre point should stand straight up.”

Brian inspects the leg and wing colour and also checks to see that the colour around the eyes is red.

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Luke said entry numbers in the poultry competition are down on last year because of the drought.

“All birds are judges on how standard they are to their breed,” Luke said.

“And the white chickens are judges on how clean they are too.”

Prizes will be awarded to the best chickens and roosters in show for each breed, and there are also major prizes for winners across all the entrant categories.

The winners are on show now in the poultry shed at at the North Coast National.

For more Lismore Show information, visit: Lismore Show

The Lismore Show runs until Saturday October 19.

Events will be happening each day, including poultry, cattle and equestrian shows. 

There’s also comedy shows for children, the community stage with a big line up of performers each day, monster trucks, carnival rides and a Lego building competition. 

Entry is free for school children and adult tickets cost $12.50.

The schedule is available online at

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