29 August 2020, 12:07 AM
Bushfire season is just around the corner with NSW Rural Fire Service now informing residents in Lismore and surrounding shires that the bush fire danger period for the year will begin on Tuesday 1 September.
Any person wishing to light a fire from 1 September 2020 must obtain a permit to light a fire until the bush fire danger period is revoked.
Those wishing to light a fire at any time throughout the year are required to notify the NSW RFS and all adjoining neighbours 24 hours prior to lighting.
Failure to comply can result in fines under the Rural Fires Act 1997.
Smoke regulations prohibit burning in some areas and residents are advised to contact their local council or fire brigade for further information.
For any enquirers or more information residents can call the Lismore Fire Station on (02) 6621 5660.