07 April 2020, 8:12 PM
Instead of reaching for the cigarettes and alcohol, start improving your health and immunity and kick start a healthy lifestyle.
If you are looking for a healthy project to occupy you and your family during the current Covid-19 social isolation period, free recipes, fitness exercises and coaching are available for you to do online.
Northern NSW Local Health District Health Promotion Manager, Jillian Adams, says the free coaching programs cover everything from giving up smoking, to getting more exercise, managing alcohol consumption and eating healthier.
“It might seem tempting to reach for the cigarettes or alcohol at the moment, but those substances actually decrease your body’s ability to cope with stress,” Ms Adams said.
“Data shows smokers are particularly at risk of poor outcomes if they contract Covid 19, and drinking more than two standard drinks lowers your immunity.
“It’s not easy to change to healthier habits, which is why we have programs like Get Healthy and Get Healthy in Pregnancy.
“These are phone coaching services backed up with workbooks, that guide you along the path to health and fitness, including support for safer drinking habits.
“For smokers there is the Quitline phone support, or ICanQuit website with online information and a network of support to tap into.”
The Go4Fun after school program is suspended for time being, but the Go4Fun Online program is still available across the region for Term 2.
“Go4Fun is for 7 to 13 year olds above a healthy weight and is packed full of activities that support healthier, more active kids,” Ms Adams said.
The NNSWLHD Health Promotion website also has a dedicated recipe page with simple, healthy meals for all ages, including recipes for kids in the kitchen.
Quitline: 137 848 or ICanQuit: www.Icanquit.com.au
Get Healthy/Get Health in Pregnancy: 1300 806 258 www.gethealthynsw.com.au
Go4Funonline:1800 780 900 or www.go4funonline.com.au
Health Promotion Recipes: https://nnswlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/health-promotion/