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Bicycles targeted by thieves

The Lismore App

04 December 2019, 3:24 AM

Bicycles targeted by thieves

Richmond District Police are warning local residents that thieves are targeting bicycles in our area.

"Victims have had their bikes stolen from front porches, garages as well as out in public spaces," Richmond PD reported on its Facebook page.

"The common theme is unsecured or weak chain locks which can be snapped with little effort."

"Please be careful not to buy stolen bikes.

"If it's too good to be true it's probably stolen."

Police recommend people use the following bicycle protection tips to secure your bike from thieves:

• U-locks and heavy-duty chains offer better bicycle protection, though not impenetrable.

• Never lock just the frame - otherwise anybody with a tool can remove both wheels in less than a minute.

• For extra bicycle protection, use two U-locks - one securing the back part of the frame and the wheel and the other locking the front.

• Your second lock can also be a different type - thus the thief will require a different set of tools to open it.

• Buy the smallest U-locks because they give the thief less room as leverage to free the bike.

• Never park in isolated or overcrowded places

• Photograph and engrave your bike with a unique marking (e.g. drivers licence number)

• Bring your bike indoors.

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