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An unfortunate error means more trees for Lismore

The Lismore App

29 September 2019, 10:00 PM

An unfortunate error means more trees for LismorePictured: Corena Wynd (Goonellabah Tucki Creek Landcare), Dominique Richards (Wilson’s River Landcare), Sylvia Clarke (LTC), Luke Kane (LTC and FoK), Ros Irwin (Friends of the Koala).

Two Lismore Landcare groups are set to benefit from an unfortunate error.

Earlier this year, contractors installing the new fence around Goonellabah PS, removed several trees in the grounds of Lismore Theatre Company’s (LTC) Rochdale Theatre. 

Fortunately the NSW Department of Education accepted responsibility for the error and paid LTC compensation for the loss under the local tree protection arrangements for native species.

The compensation received not only allows LTC to plant replacement trees in its grounds but the Committee decided to provide some of the funds to two local Landcare groups to enable additional plantings off site.

Upper Tucki Tucki Creek Landcare and Wilson’s River Landcarers will each receive $500 to purchase plants most of which will be purchased from NR Friends of the Koala nursery thereby benefiting another community organisation.

Lismore Theatre Company President Sharon Brodie said “Lismore Theatre Company is delighted that the distress of losing some mature koala food trees early this year has turned to joy in that we are able to provide more trees for the wider community and our native wildlife to enjoy”.

“The compensation we received will be multiplied in the community by the volunteer groups that do so much to enhance our natural environment”, she said.

“When koala habitat is unfortunately lost, it’s important to recognise its importance and replace like-for-like’ said Luke Kane who is a member of Friends of the Koala (FoK) and LTC.

“This will considerably boost our efforts to rehabilitate the creek and nearby bushland and restore habitat for wildlife. 

Corena Wynd from Upper Tucki Tucki Creek Landcare said “our goal is to improve and establish koala corridors and we are focused on planting along degraded riparian zones to help our struggling platypus and other wildlife. 

“Thank you to LTC for this help to achieve our goals.’ 

Dr Kristin den Exter of the Wilson’s River Landcarers Group said “the Wilson’s River Landcarer’s Group is actively replanting the riverbank - focusing on public land in Lismore. 

“This money will ensure more trees are planted contributing to the re-creation of lowland rainforest on the floodplain - an endangered ecological community.” 

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