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$400,000 in funding for Nimbin amenities block locked in: Saffin

The Lismore App

11 July 2024, 1:59 AM

$400,000 in funding for Nimbin amenities block locked in: SaffinLismore MP Janelle Saffin and local residents on site in Nimbin Peace Park. (Photo supplied by Ms Saffin’s office)

State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin says $400,000 in NSW Government funding for her key election commitment of a new amenities block for Nimbin’s Peace Park is all locked in.


Ms Saffin said there had been some unhelpful conjecture around this funding, but she confirmed that the funding deed was executed between recipient Lismore City Council and the Department of Regional NSW on 16 May 2024.


“Nimbin residents, including members of the Nimbin Advisory Group (NAG) which pushed so hard for the amenities block for so many years, can be assured I follow through on my commitments to ensure they are delivered,” Ms Saffin said.


“Council’s General Manager Jon Gibbons tells me that the next step will be community consultation on the concept and design, which will be undertaken in the second half of this year. The funding agreement has completion of the project by 30 June 2025.”

Nimbin resident, member of NAG and Friends of the Pool, Sue Edmonds reflected relief in knowing this had finally come through for the community.

“We've been lobbying for this for about 15 years. At the moment, what exists is one toilet in the swimming pool, and that's for the children's playground, the barbecue area, the skateboard park - the whole recreation area and the swimming pool.

“But it's only open six months of the year. Nimbin Peace Park is one of the few public parks in New South Wales with no toilet facilities. The effort Janelle Saffin has made is really good news for the town.”


Lismore City Council Mayor Cr Steve Krieg said: “This is great news for the Nimbin community which has been actively lobbying for the new amenities block near the pool for a long time now.

“I would like to thank our local member Janelle Saffin for all the work she did behind the scenes to get this funding approved,” Cr Krieg said.

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